Mission Statement

“Speed now illuminates reality whereas light once gave objects of the world their shape.”
― Paul Virilio, The Administration of Fear

“Nothing human makes it out of the near-future.”
― Nick Land


The future is nothing but speed, nothing but acceleration.

If Satoshi Nakamoto’s ‘Bitcoin P2P e-cash paper’ obscurely envisaged culture to come then Kaspa accelerates that culture to its terminal limit, seeking to operate as fast as internet speed allows. Kaspa’s two primary vectors in terms of adding to Bitcoin’s economic revolution are the speed of transaction-inclusion in the ledger and the control over transaction-ordering in the ledger.

What, however, of a coin that represents only the former of Kaspa’s two vectors in its purest form? A coin, the sole purpose of which is to represent the acceleration of economics itself? A coin of acceleration. An accelerationist coin. Or, FAST Coin.

In the words of Land, Capital is machinic (non-instrumental) globalization-miniaturization scaling dilation: an automatizing nihilist vortex, neutralizing all values through commensuration to digitized commerce (Meltdown), and we say, why not finally put a tokenomic face to the ur-plasticity that is capital and Capitalism.

Why are we doing this?

Because monetary economic acceleration needs a mascot, it needs a clear sign. Not just for the economic transaction or value, but positively for the speed of the economy itself. A cryptocurrency signifier of everything fast. A tokenized figurehead of the future arriving. In this manner, FAST Coin is the signifier of acceleration itself, the waymarker for the future, ever-accelerating up the peaks of economic oblivion.

The ‘Why?’ of FAST Coin, then, was already decided wherein the market first ever computed a transaction. Since that day capitalism has only ever been waiting for its quirky, snail representative. The decision to create is only ever because one can.

What are we going to spend it on?

FAST will have 100,000,000 total coins.
11% will go to the founders (1% each).
10% will go to the FAST DAO.
5% to liquidity.
1% to Nick Land
1% to a Landian Public Burn
2% for Grants relating to Accelerationism.
20% Manual distribution to the Kaspa community.
50% for sale (proceeds to DAO).

What is the ACC DAO?

The DAO will give grants to causes, technology, and groups that further the vision of Accelerationism. Inclusive within this DAO will be an annual conference held in Iceland and/or Vietnam. The governance of the DAO is 1 Founder = 1 Vote. Votes may be delegated with at least 6 members agreeing to the delegation. Funding must require a super-majority of 8/11 votes.